The meanings of Buddha statues show a period in Gautama Buddha's (Brahma) spiritual existence. You can employ the precise meanings of a Buddha statue's attitude or position, particularly the hand movements (mudras), in feng shui.
Meaning of a Buddha Statue
Various Buddha sculptures are utilised in feng shui to draw chi energy into one's dwelling, workplace, and outdoor area.
Buddha statues in a variety of forms and positions are at your disposal.
But before you start buying, it's a good idea to consider the area you want to put the statue in and what it represents.
Varieties of Buddha Statues
Think about the various Buddha statue options before you make a final decision. You can use each one uniquely depending on its function in your house, workplace, or yard.
Meditation Buddha Statue Meaning
The Peaceful Mind, "Buddha of Boundless Light", is another name for Amitabha Buddha.
The statue portrays the Buddha in a double or single lotus attitude. He is in the cosmic mudra, a meditation pose, with his hands resting in his lap. As a whole, this position forms a triangle, which is supposed to stand for steadiness.
Other Specific Features Of This Pose Include:
- His closed or partially closed eyelids symbolise the meditative state of the Buddha.
- Both hands of the Buddha are raised in a prayer position, overlapping one another such that the right hand covers the left hand's fingers.
- As a sign of deep focus, the tips of the thumbs meet to make an oval.
One common position for a Buddhist altar at home is depicting the Meditation Buddha.
Remembering that the Buddha gained enlightenment while contemplating the rising sun, it is fitting that the statue faces east. Another option is to put the statue of the Meditation Buddha somewhere quiet and serene where you may relax.
Laughing Buddha
The Laughing Buddha is a burly, balding man. This Buddha was based on the image of the joyful Buddhist monk Hotei, who lived in the late 10th century AD.
The Laughing Buddha, in contrast to other Buddha sculptures, can be positioned in different sectors and facing different directions, each of which confers a different connotation.
The Laughing Buddha represents prosperity and good fortune in general.
- The meaning of the standing laughing Buddha is to welcome and celebrate abundant prosperity and joy.
- The Laughing Buddha on the go represents good fortune and abundance.
- Balance, and the importance of preserving it in all parts of life, is the meaning of the sitting laughing Buddha.
Different Types Of Laughing Buddha
Seated Laughing Buddha
The most typical picture of a Happy Buddha has him sitting with his legs crossed and a large belly exposed. This is the most prevalent type of Happy Buddha. Characteristics of this category include steadiness, harmony, and balance.
Standing Smiling Buddha
A standing Buddha represents prosperity and joy.
Reclining Fat Buddha
This less common kind stands for tranquillity, peace, and happiness.
Happy Buddha Surrounded By Children
This kind is highly sought after because of its positive associations with fertility, wealth, and luck.
Laughing Buddha Riding A Money Frog
People believe this type will bring prosperity and success to your life.
Another common way to represent the laughing Buddha is with a bowl, sack, or string of beads.
Hanging Ornaments And Accessories
You can also put a Laughing Buddha on your car's dashboard as a sign of bringing joy and peace into your life. On the other hand, it can serve as a shield.
Laughing Buddha Holding A Bowl
The bowl held by the Laughing Buddha represents sustenance on all levels, material and immaterial. Legend has it that this variety bestows prosperity and wellness.
Laughing Buddha With Beads
Wisdom, understanding, and enlightenment are the qualities that beads represent. It is said that keeping a Fat Buddha statue like this in your house or place of business can bring you luck and success.
Laughing Buddha With A Sack Or Bag
The Laughing Buddha is a capital asset. Those just starting a business or trying to be financially stable would benefit greatly from this style.
Laughing Buddha With A Fan And Wu Lou
Wu Lou, or bottle gourds, represent good health, while fans represent prosperity and plenty. If you want to attract prosperity and good health, this laughing Buddha is the one for you.
Laughing Buddha With A Gold Ingot
The appearance of a golden nugget is a warning of abundant success. Anyone aiming for financial security would benefit much from this smiling Buddha.
Laughing Buddha With Gems And Gold For Money Luck
A laughing Buddha sitting atop valuables with a money bag and a gold nugget is a surefire way to attract additional riches. Put it in your house's rich area, please.
Laughing Buddha With A Hat
It is said that a hat brings good fortune. This laughing Buddha is the one for individuals who wish to bring their wildest desires into physical reality.
Protection Buddha and Blessing Buddha Statue Meaning
Although they serve different purposes in feng shui, statues of the Blessing Buddha and the Protection Buddha strike the same pose.
Buddha bestows blessings in this posture with his right hand extended and palm facing forth. Although it looks like a shield, this hand motion calms people down.
This hand position is called the Abhayamudra, which means "fearless" in Sanskrit. The stance intends to convey a sense of serenity and heavenly safeguarding.
As an act of kindness, the other hand is placed in the lap of the Buddha, palm facing up. Extending the second hand in a comforting gesture is seen in certain depictions.
A Blessing Buddha or Protection Buddha statue would look lovely in your home's living room or office.
This remedy can benefit any part of your home or yard with weak or diseased chi. This is particularly beneficial for locations affected by unfavourable flying star alignments, such as those with a black star of disease and death, a yellow star, or a 7 star of violence and injury.
Put one of these Buddhas wherever you need some extra help or protection.
Teaching Buddha Pose Meaning

The Teaching Buddha represents achieving one's purpose in life, gaining insight, and enlightenment. Standing or seated, the statue of the Teaching Buddha is also known as the Dharma Chakra Buddha.
The sitting pose is the most common because this is how the Buddha taught.
During this time in his life, the Buddha accomplished much. In the Sarnath deer park in Uttar Pradesh, he got enlightened and wanted to share his wisdom.
Buddha teaches his followers this wisdom while he stands in the statue.
Both hands are placed in front of the Buddha's chest to symbolise that his teachings sprang from his heart.
In the symbolism of his teachings on the Wheel of Dharma, a confluence of wisdom and method, his index fingers and thumbs interlock to create a circle.
The remaining three fingers on each hand are always kept outstretched.
Most Statue Hand Gestures Include:
- One can receive wisdom with the right palm facing inward while the left faces upward.
- Typically, the left hand is placed palm up in Buddha's lap.
- Both held up, palms facing forward, with the digits touching
- No matter where you are—at home, at the office, or outside—the Teaching Buddha statue should face north-east, the education sector. This Buddha statue is the perfect companion for those who are dedicated to their spiritual development and learning.
Alternate Buddha Teaching Statue Touching Ring Finger Meaning
Statues of the Teaching Buddha sometimes show the thumb resting on the ring finger rather than the forefinger.
This shifts the connotation to one of prosperity. You can find this style in either the north (career) or the southeast (wealth) sectors.
Long Life Buddha Statue Pose
The bag of blessings is held in the lap or by the side of this Buddha, who occasionally stands in front of it. His right-hand holds a fortune ball, while his left holds a Ru-Yi pot.
One of the best places to put a Long Life Buddha statue, according to feng shui, is in the east sector, which represents health.
Position it in your house or yard's west (offspring and successors) or southeast (money and prosperity) area. Alternatively, you can arrange it in your workplace in any way.
Happy Home Buddha Statue Pose Meaning
Sitting Happiness at Home Over his shoulder, the Buddha carries a parasol. Legend has it that a goddess lives under a white parasol or umbrella. According to the story, she emerged from the forehead of the Buddha.
Many of life's difficulties, illnesses, and other dangers are shielded from her protection.
Set the Happy Home Buddha statue in the southwest sector, representing love and partnerships, to prevent problems in your marriage or other committed relationships.
You can even set the statue up in other areas where you'd like to bring joy and banish bad vibes.
Earth Buddha Statue Pose Meaning
Often referred to as the "Calling Earth to Witness" statue, the Earth Buddha sits on the floor with his right hand outstretched, fingers pointing to the ground below.
The statue is a tribute to the moment when the Buddha eventually attained enlightenment after repeatedly enduring the demon Mara's temptations.
The Earth Buddha Statue can be placed wherever you want to reject. Putting it in the southwest sector will help you stay committed and determined while going through a tough time in a relationship.
Put this in your north sector (career) if you feel like you're getting too comfortable at work; it will make you more committed to your job.
Calling The Earth To Witness Buddha
The Buddha appears to be on the verge of enlightenment in this posture, also known as the Earth-Touching Buddha.
During his meditation under the world-famous Bodhi tree, Siddhartha Gautama was approached by the demon Mara, who tried to convince him to abandon his mission in favour of unfathomable riches and sensual pleasures.
Meditation helped Siddhartha Gautama resist these temptations. After enlightenment, the Buddha invoked the soil goddess Bhumiparsha using the Bhumiparsha mudra.
The goddess of the earth wrung out her hair to summon a flood that washed away Mara—we shudder to think of the yearly shampoo bill she must have incurred for that!
With his legs crossed and the Bhumiparsha mudra connected with him, the Earth
Touching Buddha is a popular image of the Buddha, particularly in Thai temples, and it's easy to see why.
With the palm facing inward, the right hand is pointed to the earth, while the left is put in the lap.
Reclining Buddha Statue Meaning
For Buddha, death is only a passage to a higher plane of existence; he patiently awaits his departure. This works well indoors or outdoors during transitions.
Your area of transition is best symbolised by the sector where the Reclining Buddha statue should be placed.
As an illustration, if you're switching employment, you can position the statue in the northern corner of your house or workplace.
Putting the statue in the southwest sector can help you find love again after a relationship has ended. Set the statue in the Western sector to help you adjust to your new existence as an empty nester.
Medicine Buddha Statue Meaning
Healing and well-being are the themes that the Medicine Buddha statue represents. Several statues of the Medicine Buddha are blue to evoke images from classical paintings.
As part of the Medicine Buddha posture, one should place their right hand on the ground with the palm facing outward.
This hand often sprouts a flower, vine, or other plant in certain sculptures. A bowl of medicinal plants rests in his left hand as he cradles it in his lap.
Buddha Head Statues

Decorative Buddha heads are all the rage. These ornaments disregard the religious significance of Buddha.
It is insulting to display statues of Buddha heads instead of Buddha faces.
A Buddhist would treat this with the reverence it merits because it is a sacred figure. Among Buddhist sculptures, you won't find a headless Buddha.
The widespread illegal market in Asia and beyond for priceless old Buddha statues frequently decapitates statues to sell the statue heads.
Therefore, commercially available statues of Buddha's heads marketed as house décor are particularly insulting.
Contemplation Buddha
Reflecting: You can observe Buddha in a sitting or standing position. The distinctive hand position—crossed arms across the chest—is a telltale sign.
Generally, it would help to hold your right arm above your left with the palms facing inward towards your chest.
Particularly for individuals aiming to strengthen their spiritual commitment, this evokes a feeling of subdued self-assurance while symbolising humility, tolerance, and determination.
Buddha statues have various symbolic meanings in feng shui, reflecting the spiritual existence of Gautama Buddha.
These statues can be used to draw chi energy into one's dwelling, workplace, and outdoor area.
The Meditation Buddha, also known as the Peaceful Mind, is depicted in a double or single lotus attitude, symbolizing steadiness and deep focus.
The Laughing Buddha, based on the image of the joyful Buddhist monk Hotei, represents prosperity and good fortune.
Different types include sitting laughing Buddha, standing smiling Buddha, reclining fat Buddha, happy Buddha surrounded by children, laughing Buddha riding a money frog, hanging ornaments and accessories, laughing Buddha holding a bowl, beads, sacks, bags, fans and Wu Lou, gold ingots, gems and gold for money luck, and laughing Buddha with a hat.
Protection Buddha and Blessing Buddha statues serve different purposes in feng shui, striking the same pose with the right hand extended and palm facing forth.
This hand motion, called Abhayamudra, conveys a sense of serenity and heavenly safeguarding.
Placing a Blessing Buddha or Protection Buddha statue in a home or office can benefit areas with weak or diseased chi, particularly those affected by unfavourable flying star alignments.
In conclusion, Buddha statues play a significant role in feng shui, representing various aspects of life, such as meditation, happiness, wealth, and protection.
By considering the specific meanings and positions of these statues, individuals can create a unique and beneficial feng shui environment.
The Teaching Buddha statue, also known as the Dharma Chakra Buddha, represents achieving one's purpose in life, gaining insight, and enlightenment.
It is often placed in the north-east sector, representing education or wealth.
The Long Life Buddha statue, with its bag of blessings held in his lap, is best placed in the east sector, symbolizing health or prosperity.
The Happy Home Buddha statue, with a parasol over his shoulder, symbolizes happiness and relationships.
Placed in the southwest sector, it can help prevent problems in marriages or other committed relationships.
The Earth Buddha statue, also known as the "Calling Earth to Witness," sits on the floor with his right hand outstretched, pointing to the ground below.
This posture is a tribute to the moment when the Buddha attained enlightenment after enduring demon Mara's temptations.
The Reclining Buddha statue symbolizes death as a passage to a higher plane of existence, working well indoors or outdoors during transitions.
Positioned in the northern corner of a house or workplace, it can help find love again after a relationship has ended.
The Medicine Buddha statue represents healing and well-being, often depicted in blue to evoke images from classical paintings.
Buddha head statues are a controversial topic, as they disregard the religious significance of Buddha.
Among Buddhist sculptures, there is no headless Buddha, as commercially available statues are often decapitated for sale.
Contemplation Buddha statues, with their distinctive hand positions, evoke a feeling of subdued self-assurance and humility, tolerance, and determination.
Content Summary
- Understanding the symbolic poses and postures of Buddha statues is a glimpse into Gautama Buddha's spiritual journey.
- Feng shui enthusiasts can harness the precise meanings of Buddha statues' attitudes and hand movements (mudras) to channel positive chi energy.
- The diverse array of Buddha sculptures available in different forms and positions caters to various preferences for homes, offices, or outdoor spaces.
- Deliberate consideration of the area and its representation is advisable before purchasing a Buddha statue for a specific space.
- The Meditation Buddha statue, named "Buddha of Boundless Light," embodies tranquility in a double or single lotus attitude with a cosmic mudra.
- Closed or partially closed eyelids signify the meditative state, while the hands' positioning forms a triangle symbolizing stability.
- Placing a Meditation Buddha facing east or in a serene spot aligns with the Buddha's enlightenment under the rising sun.
- The Laughing Buddha, based on the joyful monk Hotei, is versatile, representing prosperity and good fortune in various positions and directions.
- Seated Laughing Buddha, with crossed legs and a large belly exposed, embodies steadiness, harmony, and balance.
- A Standing Smiling Buddha signifies prosperity and joy, while a Reclining Fat Buddha represents tranquility, peace, and happiness.
- A Happy Buddha surrounded by children is sought after for positive associations with fertility, wealth, and luck.
- The Laughing Buddha riding a Money Frog is believed to bring prosperity and success to one's life.
- Hanging ornaments and accessories, like a Laughing Buddha on a car dashboard, symbolize joy and peace or serve as a protective shield.
- The Laughing Buddha holding a bowl represents sustenance, bestowing prosperity and wellness, according to legend.
- Laughing Buddha with beads signifies wisdom, understanding, and enlightenment, believed to bring luck and success.
- A Laughing Buddha with a sack or bag is considered an asset, beneficial for those striving for financial stability or starting a business.
- Laughing Buddha with a fan and Wu Lou represents good health and prosperity, attracting abundance into one's life.
- Laughing Buddha with a gold ingot symbolizes abundant success, making it ideal for those aiming for financial security.
- Laughing Buddha with gems and gold for money luck attracts additional riches when placed in the house's rich area.
- A Laughing Buddha with a hat is believed to bring good fortune, suitable for individuals manifesting their desires into reality.
- Protection Buddha and Blessing Buddha statues, despite serving different purposes, share the Abhayamudra pose conveying serenity and heavenly safeguarding.
- A Blessing Buddha or Protection Buddha statue is recommended for areas with weak or diseased chi, offering extra help and protection.
- The Teaching Buddha represents achieving life's purpose, gaining insight, and enlightenment, with hand gestures symbolizing wisdom and method.
- Teaching Buddha statues facing north-east in the education sector are perfect for those dedicated to spiritual development and learning.
- An alternate Teaching Buddha pose with the thumb resting on the ring finger conveys a connotation of prosperity, suitable for career or wealth sectors.
- The Long Life Buddha statue with a bag of blessings represents health and prosperity, ideal for placement in the east, west, or southeast areas.
- The Happy Home Buddha statue with a parasol in the southwest sector shields relationships from difficulties, illnesses, and dangers.
- The Earth Buddha, also known as the "Calling Earth to Witness," symbolizes commitment and determination in challenging times.
- Placing the Earth Buddha in the southwest sector helps maintain commitment in relationships, while the north sector is suitable for career commitment.
- The Earth-Touching Buddha, invoking the soil goddess Bhumiparsha, symbolizes resistance to temptations during meditation under the Bodhi tree.
- The Reclining Buddha statue symbolizes death as a passage to a higher plane of existence, suitable for indoor or outdoor placement during transitions.
- Placing the Reclining Buddha in the northern corner during job transitions or the southwest sector after a relationship ends aids in adjustment.
- The Medicine Buddha statue represents healing and well-being, with blue hues evoking classical paintings and symbolic hand gestures.
- Buddha head statues, often used decoratively, lack the religious significance of full Buddha statues and can be considered disrespectful.
- Contemplation Buddha, with crossed arms across the chest, signifies subdued self-assurance, humility, tolerance, and determination.
- Observing Buddha in a sitting or standing position with crossed arms and palms facing inward represents a commitment to spiritual strengthening.
- The thumb resting on the ring finger in some Teaching Buddha statues conveys a connotation of prosperity, suitable for career or wealth sectors.