Calmness, serenity, unity, and equilibrium. Those are phrases that people typically identify with Buddhism, so it's no surprise that many homes, including those of non-believers, have Buddha images as centrepieces or accessories.
Although there have been some controversial uses of the likeness of the Buddha on various products, which some view as disrespectful, the majority of buyers still want to show their respect for the founder of Buddhism and his teachings by displaying these statues in prominent places in their homes to bring calm and good vibes.
Here are a few things to consider before buying and displaying a seated Buddha statue in your home. Some of them are more broad guidelines, including having decent taste and not being rude.
Some of these involve applying the principles of Feng Shui to placing Buddha statues to bring about a more harmonious flow of energy (chi) throughout the house.
There Is Great Significance In The Placement Of The Buddha's Hands.
Sitting Buddhas with their hands in an oval shape represent contemplation or internal focus and are suitable for a Zen garden facing east.
A benediction of bravery and kindness is symbolised when the Buddha raises one hand and lowers the other. Put the blessing Buddha somewhere where the energy is low or weak.
Why Is The Buddha Statue Important?
While still living, Buddha never once instructed his disciples to create statues of him or worship him in images.
He instead emphasised the importance of remaining detached from all relationships, even his own.
As stated by the Buddha himself, the highest kind of devotion is to follow his teachings. And even after he passes away, after his "Nippana" or Nirvana, his teachings will endure. This large garden Buddha statue comes in two bubble wrap layers and a wooden container.
Even a century after his death, some of his devotees still wanted to know what Buddha looked like. They had trust in an angel since he was Buddha's friend.
The first Buddha statues were created when the angel appeared in the shape of the Buddha. Since then, most Buddhists worldwide have had the marble Buddha statue as a reminder of his compassion, kindness, and teachings and have deep respect for him.
Relax and find inner peace with the aid of this Black Marble Buddha statue.
While some act ignorantly, others display respect.
If you're wondering how to care for Buddha statues or other similar items properly, this summary might help.
When Deciding Where To Put A Buddha Statue In Your House Or Office, Keep The Following In Mind:
- The statue must never be placed on the ground. It is essential to maintain its rightful location on a pedestal and treat it with the reverence it merits.
- Be careful to avoid crowding the shelf where the statue will be displayed with less significant items.
- The statue needs a prominent display spot, well above anything else.
- Placing the statue close to a heavy storage cabinet or refrigerator reduces or blocks its energy.
- The proper orientation for a Buddha statue or shrine is facing east.
- Neither the bedroom nor the bathroom are appropriate places to keep a Buddha statue.
- Maintain an immaculate environment around the monument at all times. Light some incense or candles to help purify the air around it.
- The statue should face inward, not outward, towards the room. The Laughing Buddha can be placed at the entryway to ward off evil spirits.
Things To Do With The Buddha
The most effective option is to place a standing statue of the Buddha with positive energy in an area of the house.
There is more positive energy in a serene, uncluttered space or a picturesque view than in a place where one can hear the clatter of traffic outside or see sharp angles.
It may be counterproductive to place a Buddha in a room if there are nearby electrical cables, massive bridges, or towering skyscrapers, all of which may be linked to disruptive chi.
A Buddha statue will look lovely in your meditation garden, on the desk at work or school, or anywhere you do yoga at home.
The proper orientation for a decorative Buddha statue in a vehicle is facing forward.
For the statue to bring good fortune to the house, it should face the garden.
When you bring it inside, face the statue towards the room rather than the main entrance (unless you want to block bad energy or greet guests from a different angle).
- Home Vastu dictates that you should never put a statue of Lord Buddha on the floor or in a locker.
- You can set the statue on a little mat, a stone base, an altar table, or even a marble slab. Additionally, according to Feng Shui principles, you can set it on a red piece of paper or fabric to attract good fortune and ward off evil spirits.
- Have the Buddha positioned at or above eye level. Avoid positioning the monument so that someone's feet will aim towards it.
- Keep the space around the monument clean. To make the air around the statue more sacred, use candles or incense sticks.

Treat the mind and body with reverence.
To honour the Buddha, one must not be a Buddhist. As the spiritual father of Buddhism, the Buddha deserves the utmost reverence befitting an elder.
One way to show respect for the mind is through one's attitude, which one might express through the body language of "Wai" (worship). If you prefer not to show reverence, refrain from making fun of Buddha.
Help by picking up and putting away any marble Buddha statues, amulets, photos, or other figurines you may find on the floor, in the toilet, or on a chair.
If you identify as a Buddhist, share your faith with others curious about Buddha. Explain to someone who may enquire, "Who is Buddha?" that you are not a Buddhist.
The straightforward response is, "Just as other prophets have instructed their followers to do good deeds, the Enlightened One known as Buddha has done the same for Buddhists."
Thing About Buddha That You Shouldn't
Putting a Buddha statue on the floor or anywhere near a person's shoes is considered rude and disrespectful.
Put the statue on an altar or table instead. If you want to add a lucky charm to your altar arrangement, put a slip of red paper under the Buddha.
On the other hand, you may get a painting of a Buddha and display it on your wall.
Storing a decorative statue of a sleeping Buddha in a vault or safe is considered disrespectful.
Still, a Buddha statue on a shelf near a closed door is OK. Additionally, ensure it stays out of the bathroom and any other untidy house areas.
- Keep Buddha sculptures out of the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. Neither atop the shoe rack nor near any appliances or electrical outlets is a good place to put it. The statue should not be placed beneath a stairway because of its potential to become a Vastu dosha.
Do Not Mistreat Buddha
Refrain from disrespecting the picture of Buddha if you cannot honour the Buddha himself. It is unacceptable to treat a person's father disrespectfully. The religious father is revered by Buddhists as Buddha.
Everyone looks up to religious leaders. Buddha ought to be a part of this also.
Avoid Putting Buddha Statues In Unsuitable Areas
It would help if you did not keep cleaning products, towels, napkins, rags, or handkerchiefs next to any statue of a Buddha. Do not wear it below the waist, please.
True believers in Buddhism will experience extreme distress and even hostility if they see a picture of the Buddha displayed alongside material possessions, as previously stated.
Do Not Display Buddha Statues Or Pictures Like Furniture.
Take this case in point:
- Setting a Buddha statue in the centre of a table is inappropriate.
- Keep Buddha sculptures out of restrooms.
- Buddha statues do not belong in eateries and bars.
Do Not Treat Buddha As Merchandise
Despite the sacred significance of Buddha sculptures and pictures, there are business people in some Buddhist nations who sell them anyhow. That reflects who we are as a species.
Every group of individuals consists of some decent people and some awful people. Good Buddhists will experience shame, whereas bad people are only concerned with themselves.
Buddha sculptures of varying sizes are sold in home décor stores in different countries.
Buddhist buyers who wish to display their statues or images in a sacred place, such as a temple, may be granted permission.
For Maximum Respect And Fortune, Where Should I Put My Buddha Statue?
Many individuals have utilised the traditional practice of placing a statue of a Buddha at home for ages to create a harmonious place. They thought having a Buddha statue around the house would attract good vibes and keep bad ones at bay.
Where, however, can you get the most out of a Buddha statue in your own home? Consequently, this post will go over the ideal locations to display a Buddha statue in your home for respect and good fortune.
To make the most of your Buddha statue, here are six suggested placements for it in your home. If you want your Buddha statue to bring good fortune and prosperity into your home, the best way to position it is according to these guidelines.
Buddha Statue Facing Main Entrance But Not Directly
If you want to maximise the spiritual advantages of your Buddha statue, place it facing your front door.
In addition, by positioning yourself in this way, you can prevent bad energy from entering your home and invite good vibes instead.
Pay Attention to the Area Around the Buddha Statue
It is considered disrespectful to put a Buddha statue on the floor. Hence, it is recommended to place it on a table instead. Furthermore, it is recommended that you maintain a tidy and uncluttered space.
Placing the Statue in a Location Where It Can Be Seen
Buddha sculptures are meant to offer harmony and serenity to the world. Hence, keeping them in cupboards, drawers, or safes is rude. The Buddha sculptures serve as a gentle reminder to be present in the here and now and to provide kindness and compassion to all sentient creatures.
Thus, it is essential to display them in a public place, like our house or office, where all can see and feel them.
Keep Them Away From Electronic Equipment

The Buddha statues must be placed in a quiet, undisturbed spot, far from any potential disturbances. All in all, that electronic noise from things like TVs and music systems can detract from the serene ambience your Buddha statue was trying to establish.
Be Careful Of Poison Arrows
The "poison arrow," or "Sha Qi", often called in Feng Shui, is said to direct negative energy towards its target.
Hence, keep your Buddha away from areas with strong negative energy flows, such as open cupboards or shelves, as well as from the beam and the sharp corners of furniture.
Buddha statues are often used as home decor, symbolizing calmness, serenity, unity, and equilibrium.
Despite some controversial uses of the Buddha's image on products, many buyers still want to show their respect for the founder of Buddhism and his teachings by displaying them in prominent places in their homes.
To care for a seated Buddha statue, consider the following guidelines:
- Place the Buddha's hands in an oval shape, representing contemplation or internal focus.
- Avoid placing the statue on the ground, crowding the shelf with less significant items, and placing it near heavy storage cabinets or refrigerators.
- Maintain an immaculate environment around the statue, lighting incense or candles to purify the air around it.
- Place the Buddha statue in a serene, uncluttered space with positive energy, such as a garden or room with a picturesque view.
- Avoid placing the statue on the floor or locker, and instead place it on a mat, stone base, altar table, or marble slab.
- Position the Buddha at or above eye level, avoid positioning the monument so that someone's feet will aim towards it.
- Keep the space around the statue clean and use candles or incense sticks to make the air more sacred.
- Respect the mind and body with reverence, expressing it through body language like "Wai" (worship). If you prefer not to show reverence, refrain from making fun of Buddha.
To ensure the proper placement of a Buddha statue in your home, follow these guidelines:
- Remove any marble Buddha statues, amulets, photos, or figurines found on the floor, toilet, or chair.
- Share your faith with others curious about Buddha and explain that the Enlightened One known as Buddha has instructed their followers to do good deeds.
- Avoid placing a Buddha statue on the floor or near shoes, as it is considered rude and disrespectful. Instead, place the statue on an altar or table, or display a painting of a Buddha on your wall.
- Keep the statue out of untidy areas, such as the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or kitchen.
- Do not mistreat Buddha if you cannot honor him.
- Avoid placing Buddha statues in inappropriate areas, such as cleaning products, towels, napkins, rags, or handkerchiefs next to the statue.
- Display Buddha statues or pictures like furniture, such as placing them in the center of a table or restrooms.
- Do not treat Buddha as merchandise, as some Buddhist countries sell them as home décor items.
- For maximum respect and fortune, place the Buddha statue facing the main entrance but not directly.
- Pay attention to the area around the statue, as it is considered disrespectful to put it on the floor.
- Place the statue in a public place, like your house or office, where everyone can see and feel it.
- Keep the statue away from electronic equipment, as it directs negative energy towards its target.
Content Summary
- Australians often embrace the principles of calmness, serenity, unity, and equilibrium associated with Buddhism in their homes.
- Despite some controversial uses of Buddha images on products, many buyers aim to display Buddha statues respectfully to bring calm and good vibes.
- Guidelines for placing Buddha statues include having decent taste and applying Feng Shui principles for a harmonious flow of energy.
- The placement of the Buddha's hands carries great significance, representing contemplation or bravery and kindness in different poses.
- Buddha never instructed the creation of statues or worship in his image, emphasizing detachment and devotion to his teachings.
- The first Buddha statues were created based on the appearance of an angel who was a friend of Buddha, signifying compassion and kindness.
- Proper placement of a Buddha statue includes avoiding the ground, maintaining a clean environment, and facing it towards the room.
- Placing a Buddha close to heavy furniture or appliances is discouraged, as it may reduce or block its energy.
- The Laughing Buddha can be placed at the entryway to ward off evil spirits.
- A standing Buddha statue with positive energy is best placed in a serene, uncluttered space or a picturesque view.
- Home Vastu suggests not placing a Buddha statue on the floor or in a locker; instead, use a pedestal or altar.
- According to Feng Shui, placing a Buddha on a red piece of paper or fabric attracts good fortune and wards off evil spirits.
- Maintaining the Buddha at or above eye level and keeping the space around it clean is essential for respect.
- Showing reverence to Buddha, regardless of one's religious affiliation, is emphasized, with the "Wai" gesture expressing respect.
- Correctness involves picking up and putting away Buddha statues and figurines, avoiding disrespectful treatment.
- Buddhists are encouraged to share their faith with those curious about Buddha and his teachings.
- Placing a Buddha statue on the floor or near shoes is considered rude; it should be on an altar or table.
- Storing a decorative statue in a vault is disrespectful, but placing it on a shelf near a closed door is acceptable.
- Buddha statues should be kept out of kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, and other untidy areas.
- Placing Buddha statues in inappropriate areas, like on tables in restaurants, is discouraged.
- Despite the sacred significance, Buddha statues are sometimes sold by business people, reflecting the diversity of individuals.
- Placing a Buddha statue facing the main entrance is suggested to maximize spiritual benefits and invite positive energy.
- Maintaining a tidy and uncluttered space around the Buddha statue is considered respectful.
- Displaying Buddha statues in visible locations, not in cupboards or safes, is essential for spreading harmony and serenity.
- Electronic equipment should be kept away from Buddha statues to maintain a serene ambiance.
- Avoiding "poison arrows" or negative energy flows is important, placing the Buddha away from strong negative influences.
- Placing a Buddha statue facing the front door helps prevent bad energy from entering the home and invites positive vibes.
- Buddha statues are meant to offer harmony and serenity; keeping them in cupboards is considered rude.
- Buddha statues must be placed in quiet spots, away from potential disturbances caused by electronic noise.
- The "poison arrow" or negative energy flow should be avoided by placing the Buddha away from open cupboards and sharp corners.
- Australians value the principles of Buddhism, incorporating calmness and unity in their homes.
- Despite controversial uses of Buddha images, many buyers aim to display statues respectfully for good vibes.
- Guidelines for placing Buddha statues include having decent taste and applying Feng Shui principles.
- The Buddha's hands' placement signifies contemplation or bravery and kindness, with different poses carrying specific meanings.
- Buddha emphasized detachment and devotion to his teachings, discouraging worship in his image.
- The first Buddha statues were created based on an angel's appearance, symbolizing compassion and kindness.
- Proper placement includes avoiding the ground, maintaining a clean environment, and facing the Buddha towards the room.
- Placing a Buddha near heavy furniture or appliances is discouraged, as it may reduce its energy.
- The Laughing Buddha can be placed at the entryway to ward off evil spirits.
- A standing Buddha with positive energy is best placed in a serene, uncluttered space.
- Home Vastu suggests not placing a Buddha on the floor; instead, use a pedestal or altar.
- According to Feng Shui, placing a Buddha on a red piece of paper attracts good fortune.
- Maintaining the Buddha at or above eye level and keeping the space around it clean is essential.
- Showing reverence to Buddha, regardless of one's religious affiliation, is emphasized.
- Correctness involves picking up and putting away Buddha statues, avoiding disrespectful treatment.
- Buddhists are encouraged to share their faith with those curious about Buddha and his teachings.
- Placing a Buddha on the floor or near shoes is considered rude; it should be on an altar or table.
- Storing a decorative statue in a vault is disrespectful, but placing it on a shelf near a closed door is acceptable.
- Buddha statues should be kept out of kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, and other untidy areas.
- Placing Buddha statues in inappropriate areas, like on tables in restaurants, is discouraged.