How to Use Buddha Good Luck Charms?

How to Use Buddha Good Luck Charms?

How to Use Buddha Good Luck Charms?

Buddha charms can be worn as jewelry or kept in your house, car, pocketbook, or keychain to draw in good fortune.

Buddhist charms frequently have several applications.

Find charms that are similar to those listed below that suit your home and lifestyle. These suggestions work just as well.

Why Should We Wear It & What's The Meaning?

Although Buddhism is one of the world's major faiths, for many Buddhists it is more of a way of life.

Followers reject the existence of a supreme god or divinity.

Instead, they concentrate on developing inner tranquility, knowledge, and an enlightened condition that finally results in Nirvana.

Buddhist practitioners channel their own inner positive energy and radiate it outward to benefit everyone and everything in their environment.

It's a state of contentment that can be attained through a lifelong peaceful journey of tranquility, introspection, and meditation.

Buddhism has a rich history of symbolism that dates back as far as the religion itself. These pictures often have deep spiritual meaning.

But are Buddhist emblems OK for non-Buddhists to wear?

Let's look at the meaning of the Buddhist emblem and how we might wear it with respect and intention.

What Is The Meaning Of Buddhist Symbols

Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) created the religion more than 2,500 years ago in India, but it quickly expanded throughout Asia and eventually the entire world.

Buddhism is not dogmatic like many other religions, and it readily coexists with diverse cultures and beliefs.

Because of its adaptability, Buddhism was able to grow and endure by meeting the demands of a wide range of followers.

Of course there are many Buddhist symbols, and many of them represent the local cultures of the religion's adherents.

Buddhists absorbed ancient symbols that had once held significance for the inhabitants and incorporated them into their faith.

Buddha Sculpture FAQs

What Does It Mean To Wear A Buddha Necklace?

Buddha pendants are viewed as representations of prosperity, peace, and longevity.

Buddha jewelry will draw the uplifting power of the ultimate.

It can help us combat bad energy, generate more positive energy, and get through life's challenges.

Is It Good To Buy A Buddha?

Buddha statues can offer calm, good vibes, prosperity, and good health to your home.

The statue of the Happy Buddha, also known as Shakyamuni Buddha, is thought to bring luck and abundance. Buddha figurines are occasionally sold in sets of two or three.

What Does A Happy Buddha Mean?

The laughing Buddha is viewed as a representation of joy, prosperity, satisfaction, and welfare.

Statues of the Laughing Buddha are seen to be auspicious and are frequently kept in homes, workplaces, hotels, and restaurants for luck and good vibes.

Early Buddhist Symbolism

Human-like depictions of the Buddha were only employed later; they were never used in early Buddhist art or iconography.

Instead, depending on the symbolic context, different animals were used to represent Buddha.

The Lion

The Lion, a representation that is most frequently used, represents protection, royalty, and sovereignty.

And other texts refer to the Buddha as "the Lion of the Shakyas."

In the sutras, his teachings are also referred to as the "Lion's Roar," signifying the authority of his word over other religious doctrines.

The White Elephant

The White Elephant, a symbol of Indian regal authority, is another representation of Buddha.

The future Buddha is said to have assumed the shape of a white elephant to enter his mother's womb according to the Queen Maya tale.

The Riderless Horse

The Riderless Horse, which symbolizes Kanthaka, the Buddha's regal steed, is another.

It serves as a reminder of the Buddha's renunciation when Siddhartha Gautama decided to pursue a life of asceticism and abandoned his palace in Kapilavastu.

The Mythical Serpent

The "Great Nga," a legendary serpent with magical abilities, is another.

The Buddha is frequently referred to as the "Great Nga" in the sutras as well.

This phrase describes the Buddha's extraordinary magical abilities, especially his unparalleled psychic insight to all gods and spirits.


Deer are utilized as symbols for Buddhist followers and for the Buddha's first sermon, which was delivered in Varanasi's deer park.

Other Symbols

Other symbols seen in historical Buddhist locations that have significance today include:

  • The three-part Dharma Wheel can be seen. The rim denotes awareness and contemplative focus, while the circle represents the perfection of Buddhist teachings. The center also suggests moral restraint. The idea that the Buddha "turned the wheel" refers to the momentous change that occurred when he first preached in Varanasi.
  • The tree that the Buddha was sitting beneath when he ultimately reached enlightenment is known as the Bodhi Tree.
  • The Buddha, the dharma (teachings and doctrine), and the sangha are represented by the Triratna, or Three Jewels (community or the monastic order).
  • One symbol of wealth is the lotus flower. Although it flourishes and produces the most stunning flowers in murky waters, it does so. It serves as an example of overcoming obscurity and blossoming into insight.
  • We are reminded that the Buddha lived on earth and left behind a spiritual path for everyone to follow by the Buddha Footprint, which is presented as either a single or double footprint.

The Auspicious Signs


Auspice, which meaning "divine sign or omen," is the root of the term "auspicious," which denotes beneficial, fortunate, or lucky.

The auspicious signs, according to Buddhist tradition, represent the fortune that was showered upon the Buddha right after he attained enlightenment.

These are the most typical, however they vary by culture:

  • The Jeweled Parasol – A 13-pointed Indian shield that represents royalty and protection. It stands for the Buddha's omnipotence.
  • The White Conch Shell – In Buddhist thought, it stands for the Buddha's teachings and the courage to impart them to others. In ancient Indian culture, it was associated with success in combat.
  • The Victory Banner – In ancient Indian combat, it served as a military symbol; now, in Buddhism, it symbolizes the Buddha's victory over the four maras, or obstacles, on the way to enlightenment.
  • The Treasure Vase – It represents the enduring quality and worth of the Buddha's teachings and is modeled after conventional ancient Indian clay jars with ornate decorations.
  • The Dharma Wheel – A wheel with eight spokes, signifying the Noble Eightfold Path, which leads individuals out of the cycle of rebirth and into Nirvana.
  • The Golden Fish – Historically, in ancient India, the Yamuna and Ganges rivers were symbolized by a pair of golden fish. They represent the spontaneity and freedom that come after we break free from the cycle of reincarnation in the Buddhist tradition.
  • The Lotus Flower - Showing overcoming obscurity and blossoming into insight.
  •  The Endless Knot – Represents unending harmony, the Buddha's unbounded compassion, and his unbounded wisdom. It is related to the endless cycle of reincarnation in teachings.

The Importance Of Color

Color has a place in Buddhist iconography as well. The most important hues in modern Buddhism are as follows:

  • White symbolizes purity and can turn ignorance into actual understanding. It resonates with the Om syllable and is associated with the directional East and elemental Water.
  • Yellow exudes beauty and riches and can change pride into the understanding that we are all descended from the same source and will eventually return there. It resonates with the Ni syllable and is associated with the directional South and elemental Earth.
  • Green promotes safety and calm and can turn resentment into perfect awareness. It resonates with the Ma syllable and is associated with the directional North and elemental Sky.
  • Blue may turn wrath into self-reflective awareness and represents awakening and enlightenment. It resonates with the Pad syllable and is associated with the directional Center and the elemental Air.
  • Red can turn attachment into discernment and awareness and opens us up to love and compassion. It resonates with the phrase Me and is associated with the directional West and elemental Fire.
  • Black represents both physical death and the spiritual death of ignorance to enlightenment and illumination. It lacks directional alignment or transformation features. It resonates with the Hum syllable and has Air as its element.

A Few Key Buddhist Beliefs

The scope and richness of Buddhist teachings make it impossible for us to fully discuss them all in one piece. We can, however, look at some of the fundamental principles that all Buddhists follow:

  • Buddha is an enlightened being.
  • The Buddha is regarded as a remarkable individual and the founder of the faith, but he is not a deity. He had the potential to rise to the position of great monarch, but he opted to become an outstanding teacher, thinker, and spiritual guide.
  • Buddhism is a tolerant, adaptable, and developing religion since it has a wide range of interpretations and ideologies.
    Many Buddhists do not consider Buddhism to be a religion, but rather a way of life or spiritual tradition.
  • The path to enlightenment is paved with morality, knowledge, and meditation.
  • Regular, ongoing meditation aids in awakening the highest truth.
    Self-indulgence and self-denial are both discouraged in Buddhism.
    Worship can take place in homes or temples for followers.
  • The Buddha's teachings on the Four Noble Truths are essential to comprehending Buddhism.
  • Cornerstones of the faith are the ideas of karma (cause and consequence) and reincarnation (constant cycle of rebirth).
  • Buddhist ideas are characterized by a number of symbols rather than a single one.
  • Bhikkhus, or ordained Buddhist monks, adhere to a stringent code of conduct. Once they join, though, they are not bound to a monastery. Instead, if they choose to, they are free to emigrate and establish themselves in society.

Should Non-Buddhists Be Wearing Buddhist Symbols?

Finally, we return to our original query.

And YES is the response! You should wear Buddha emblems if you identify with the values and practices of Buddhism.

But don't purchase any Buddha symbols just because they are fashionable or cute in your social circle.

It's not that doing so will be harmful or unlucky; rather, it's out of respect for what Buddha symbols stand for.

One of the core Buddhist principles is overindulgence, which goes against purchasing something only for the sake of it.

When we purchase anything out of selfishness, we don't value it. We want it either for selfish reasons, to show off, or to impress people.

On the other hand, when we purchase something out of a genuine respect for its symbolic value, it acquires spiritual significance.

It becomes a priceless component of our life that we can rely on to provide as a constant reminder or as a source of faith and safety.

Consider its specific meaning and how you can spiritually assimilate it into your life before purchasing any Buddha symbols to wear, display in your house or workplace, or to install in your home or office.

Find out which of the Buddha emblems embodies the energy you want to bring into your life if you'd like to incorporate one of Buddhism's numerous facets.

Remember that Buddhism is a flexible religion that is open to everyone, even if your purpose doesn't directly correspond with a particular symbol.

There is no issue as long as your motivation is sincere and serves the greater benefit.

At Karma and Luck, we understand the tremendous spiritual meaning of the Buddha symbol, whether you want one for yourself or someone else.

We only carry Buddha symbols that have been responsibly manufactured by craftsmen that have respect, love, and care for their work.

Using Buddha Charms In Feng Shui

Buddha charms can be used in unique ways to improve and strengthen various feng shui luck sectors.

Any troubled areas in your home can be addressed with wall hangings and other charms, or you can utilize them to bring general plenty into your life.

Buddha Wall Hanging

The handmade Buddha wall hanging is one of a kind. Any mix of onyx, aquamarine, cinnabar, coral, and turquoise beads may be used to create the hangings.

The Buddha statue is crafted entirely out of brass.

  • Place for good luck with money on the southeast wall.
  • For good health, hang something on the east sector wall.
  • Set for career luck on the north wall of your office.
  • It has a 7.5" diameter, retails for about $24, and comes with free shipping.

Magic Happy Buddha


Both your home and your car can benefit from a multi-amulet Buddha charm. A wooden Happy Buddha figure and lucky coin donut make up this charm.

An adjustable stretch cord is included with the charm. In case you want to use it as a feng shui charm for your car, a metal keychain is provided.

  • Place in the affected area to bring protection and good fortune.
  • It measures less than 2" and costs about $15 plus shipping.

Cloisonnes Buddha Charms

The Chinese character Fo, which stands for Buddha in Chinese, and a tassel trim can be seen on this Cloisonne Buddha Charm.

According to the description, it makes a lovely sound when shaken. Place the item in your home using the Mystic Knot hanging.

  • In the southeast (wealth) sector or corner of your house or workplace, place the symbol.
  • Use it in a lobby or at the cashier station to draw more money into your company.
  • To bring enormous prosperity to your entire family, place this charm at the heart of your home.
  • It measures around 9" long and costs $8 plus shipping.

Crystal Buddha Children Charms

This charm's crystal has a tassel bottom trim and a Buddha figure with children hung from a mystic knot.

People who want to get pregnant are said to be drawn to this image of Buddha.

  • Place to acquire the Buddha's blessing to conceive in your home or bedroom's Descendants Luck sector (west).
  • To ensure a child's prosperity and well-being, place this charm at the west corner of the room.
  • Where your family receives nutrition for health, the Health Luck sector of your home or the east corner of your dining area, hang this charm.
  • This Buddha can be placed practically anywhere to draw the luck it governs.
  • It costs roughly $7 with delivery and hangs around 10".

Portable Buddha Charms

You might like to wear a necklace or bracelet charm made of a Buddha charm or carry one with you as a keyring linked to your bag or backpack.

It is thought that carrying the charm around would protect you from unfavorable energies like illness and car accidents.

Additionally, it can draw good fortune, including prosperity, career success, and general good fortune.

Medicine Buddha With Wu Lou Keychain

This keychain is meant to guard the owner's health and depicts a Wu Lu and Medicine Buddha.

The time when Buddha acquired Enlightenment and completed his 12 vows, which included curing diseases and wounds, is symbolized by the Medicine Buddha.

Buddhists pray to Buddha for bodily, mental, and spiritual healings that seem as spiritual medicine.

The Buddha is shown on the charm with an aura of healing energy surrounding him. The color blue is frequently used while describing medicine.

On this charm, there is a Buddha in blue.

A well-liked feng shui symbol for health protection is the Wu Lou. The two symbols working together provide twice as much security.

  • Keep this charm on your keychain, handbag, or backpack to ensure the healing abilities of The Buddha.
  • Disconnect the keychain and hang the charm in this area of your house or workplace to combat the yearly #2 Illness Star.
  • It is roughly 1" x 4" in size. Expect to spend about $20 in addition to shipping.

Money Buddha Keyring

A peach wood Money Buddha is carved on this keychain.

A laughing Buddha is encircled by money on this charm.

  • You can be confident that using this as a keychain will help you attract money into your life.
  • For luck with money, affix this charm to your bag or backpack.
  • Its dimensions are just under 2" x 4". If you have a Prime membership, it costs about $10 with free shipping.

Laughing Buddha Car Amulet

A red tassel is tied to the bottom of the amulet, and a mystic knot hangs the Laughing Buddha with Ruyi on White Jade.

Jade is a representation of tranquility and power that shields its owner from unfavorable energy.

The tassel has a gold cap that enables it to turn and deflect bad chi. The ingot is a wealth symbol, while the Ru Yi is a representation of authority. The underlying mystic knot makes sure that the good fortune each sign bestows is limitless.

  • This charm can be hung from your rearview mirror to bring you luck, travel, and personal safety..
  • Size: 1.75" x 2.5" x 0.625", 14" L.
  • Price: about $20 plus shipping (depends on weight and method selected).

Select Ideal Buddha Charm For Good Luck

Buddha charms improve luck sectors and provide protection. Most can be utilized as a portable charm or in your house, workplace, or both.

If you don't want to buy any of the aforementioned items, look for others with comparable qualities that fit your personality and bring luck into your life.

Is It Bad Luck To Buy Yourself A Buddha Necklace?

Please refrain from negotiating the pricing. Purchasing a Buddha at a reduced price is excellent, and the savings can even indicate that he is already bringing you prosperity.

However, do not try to pressure the salesperson by haggling over the purchase price.

It is viewed as disrespectful, impolite, and unlucky.

Does Buddha Give Good Luck?

Chinese people refer to Laughing Buddhas as Hotei, and they are regarded as being extremely lucky. It is normally positioned in front of the door.

His bulging belly is a representation of joy, fortune, and wealth. It is thought that rubbing one's tummy will bring luck.

Is It Ok To Wear Buddha Jewelry?

While it is OK to wear Buddhist jewelry, Buddha forbade his disciples from creating pictures of him. Buddha is the subject of the most statues and images in existence.


A Buddha charm can be worn for a variety of causes, and you are free to use it however you see fit.

You can pick the perfect charm or symbol to meet your needs by applying the general rules on how to use Buddhist symbols that have been provided in this article, along with an explanation of what they symbolize.

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