
What Is the Meaning of Resting Buddha?

What Is the Meaning of Resting Buddha?

The image of a Buddha at rest is meant to convey a message of tranquilly.

The body is held in a position that conveys the meaning of having attained enlightenment and being liberated from all forms of sorrow.

It is possible for Buddhists to use this as a lens through which to examine the goals that they should pursue in their lives.

Sculptures depicting Buddhas at peace are frequently located in temples and other sacred places, where they serve as universally recognised emblems of tranquilly and harmony.

It also reflects the Buddhist teaching that one should spend their life meditating on wisdom rather than doing anything else, because everything else leads to suffering, whereas meditation leads to enlightenment, which leads to freedom from all suffering. This is because meditation leads to enlightenment leads to freedom from all suffering.

Iconographically speaking, the reclining Buddha is a portrayal of the Buddha in the moment of his attainment of Mahaparinirvana when he was lying down.

As a representation of the historical Shakyamuni Buddha while he was in his final moments of illness, this iconographic pattern is one of the most well-known and widely used in Buddhism.

In statues of the Buddha known as reclining Buddhas, the figure of the Buddha is depicted lying on his right side with his right hand supporting his head.

This particular pattern of posture in the Buddha's life appears to have originated at the same time as the other symbols and images of the Buddha, most notably in the Greek-influenced Gandharan period Buddhist arts, and have been followed by many other regions in their Buddhist art to represent one of the most significant moments in the Buddha's life.

In Buddhism, this particular posture of the Buddha is more commonly referred to by its Sanskrit name, the mahaparinirvanasana.

It is believed that while he was in this position, the Buddha knew that his death was drawing near. In order to make it easier for him to lie down, the Buddha requested that his followers fashion a couch for him out of a bush.

Despite the fact that he had reached enlightenment and become the Buddha, the Buddha was nevertheless required, on account of his status as a human person, to shed his physical form.

It is said that this event took place in Kushinagara, which is located in India, when he was eighty years old. Because of this, the physical death of the awakened world is referred to as Mahaparinirvana, which is defined as the condition that comes after Nirvana.

The statues of the Buddha in a reclining position are not meant to instil a feeling of melancholy in the devotees of the religion; rather, they are to be viewed as a source of encouragement that all beings have the potential to become awakened or enlightened and free themselves from the suffering that is caused by the cycle of rebirth.

The compassionate and tranquil state that accompanies enlightenment is depicted by the Buddha's serene and happy countenance in the reclining Buddha statue.

The Chaukhtatgyi Paya in Burma, the Dambulla Temple in Sri Lanka, Wat Pho in Thailand, and the Monolithic Buddha in Cambodia are just a few examples of the numerous famous reclining Buddha sculptures that can be found in Buddhist countries. These Buddhas that are positioned in a reclining position are regarded as objects of considerable significance from both a religious and a tourism point of view.

What Does Resting Buddha Mean?

The picture of Buddha depicted as he is lying down is known as a reclining Buddha and is a fundamental component of the iconography used in Buddhist art.

It depicts the historical Buddha when he was nearing the end of his life, when he was suffering from his final sickness. After the Buddha passes away, his followers make the decision to construct a statue of him in a reclining position.

Buddha Sculpture FAQs

What Does The Female Buddha Symbolize?

She is the female counterpart of the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, who is also known as the "buddha-to-be."

She is frequently depicted either standing at the right hand of her consort, Avalokiteshvara, or seated with her legs crossed while holding a lotus flower in its full bloom, both of which are associated with the concept of purity.

What Are The 5 Rules Of Buddhism?

The five moral principles that state one should not take life, or kill any living being under any circumstance. to abstain from taking what is not freely given, which is synonymous with the act of stealing. to avoid abusing one's senses or engaging in sexual misconduct, such as engaging in excessive sexual activity or committing sexual offences; to refrain from overindulging in sex. to control one's tongue and avoid saying things that aren't true or engaging in gossip.

How Do I Choose A Buddha Statue?

Meditation: Deciding Which Buddha Statue to Purchase Buddha: The Buddha is depicted as assuming the lotus position, his hands resting in his lap, his palms facing upward, and his eyes shut.

Buddha of Protection: The Buddha may be seated or standing with his right hand raised in prayer position. The Buddha is typically seen seated and smiling, with a potbelly and a bald head, and he has no hair on his head.

Which Way Should A Buddha Statue Be Placed?

The Buddha is a representation of enlightenment, equilibrium, and the tranquilly that comes from within. We are able to activate the highly charged energy of this area by positioning an image of Buddha or a statue of Buddha in the direction of the north-east.

As a result of the fact that the North-East zone is also governed by the energy of water, the Buddha statue can be utilised in conjunction with the water element.

What Is The Difference Between Buddha Statues?


There is deeper significance behind each aspect of a Buddha statue than just its likeness to the man himself.

The life of Buddha can be understood through the significance of each and every position, posture, expression, and hand gesture.

There are about one hundred distinct positions that reflect different aspects of Buddha's life. These poses are also known as asanas or attitudes, and the hand motions are known as mudras.

The Reclining Buddha And His Various Other Depictions In Art

The Buddha International Welfare Mission temple in Bodh Gaya was scheduled to host the installation of India's largest statue of the Reclining Buddha on May 26, also known as Buddha Jayanti, Buddha Purnima, or Vesak. The event was scheduled to take place on a Wednesday.

The ceremony has been postponed because of the restrictions imposed by Covid-19; however, the massive 100-foot fibreglass statue that was constructed in Kolkata over the course of three months by a team of 22 artisans continues to be a fascinating piece of artwork, both due to its size and the manner in which The Buddha has been depicted.

The Reclining Buddha

A statue or image of the Buddha in the reclining position is meant to portray him as he was towards the end of his life and on the verge of entering Parinirvana. This is a stage of immense redemption that occurs after death and is only accessible to enlightened beings.

When the Buddha was 80 years old, he passed away while he was meditating in Kushinagar, which is located in the eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, in close proximity to the state's border with Bihar.

Iconographic Representation

The Reclining Buddha is depicted in statues and other representations as laying on his right side with his head propped up on a cushion or resting on his right elbow.

It is a well-known iconographic depiction in Buddhism, and its purpose is to demonstrate that every living thing possesses the ability to become awakened and break free from the cycle of death and rebirth.

According to Dr. Manwatkar, the image of the Reclining Buddha was originally shown in the art of Gandhara, which began in the time period between 50 BC and 75 AD and reached its zenith during the Kushana period, which lasted from the first to the fifth centuries AD.

According to Professor Panth, the Buddha was against the worship of idols, hence in the centuries immediately after his parinirvana (483 BC), his portrayal was through symbols. This is because the Buddha was against the worship of idols.

Nevertheless, images of the Buddha in the form of icons first appeared after the devotional part of Buddhist practise was afterwards included into it.

Reclining Buddha Outside India

The Buddha is most commonly depicted in sitting postures in Sri Lanka and India, although reclining postures are more common in Thailand and other regions of SouthEast Asia.

The 600-foot-long Winsein Tawya Buddha was constructed in Mawlamyine, Myanmar, in 1992. It is currently the longest reclining Buddha in the world.

At the Hindu temple site of Baphuon in Cambodia's Angkor, a statue of the Reclining Buddha measuring 70 metres in height was constructed towards the end of the 15th century.

It is believed that the Bhamala Buddha Parinirvana, which can be found in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, is the oldest monument of its sort in the entire globe. The statue dates back to the second century AD.

In China, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, and Malaysia you can find a number of statues of the Reclining Buddha.

Reclining Buddha In India

It is thought that the Reclining Buddha sculpture, which is housed in Cave No. 26 of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ajanta, was carved some time in the 5th century AD. The artwork is 24 feet in length and 9 feet in height.

Prasad Pawar, a research photographer and restorer based in Nashik, has been working for over twenty years to digitally restore the artwork of Ajanta, which has been deteriorating over time. Pawar said of the sculpture, "It shows the Buddha reclining on his right side, and behind him are two sala trees." The begging bowl, water pitcher, and walking stick that he used are all located at the base of the sculpture.

Celestial beings are represented on top of the scene, rejoicing in anticipation of the Buddha's arrival in heaven, while his pupils are shown sitting in grief at the bottom of the scene.

In Kushinagar, the location where the Buddha is believed to have gained parinirvana, there is a red sandstone monolith statue of the Reclining Buddha that is 6 metres in length and is housed inside the Parinirvana Stupa.

Other Depictions Of The Buddha

In other parts of India, according to Professor Panth, there are a lot of Buddhas depicted in seated positions. Most of these depictions are related to the Buddha's enlightenment rather than his death.

The Buddha is depicted at the Mahabodhi temple in the position known as the bhoomi-sparsha mudra, in which he is seated with his hand pointing towards the ground.

It is a representation of the world as a whole bearing witness to his enlightenment.

The stone statue of the Buddha that can be found in Sarnath, which is the location of the first sermon that the Buddha ever delivered, features a hand motion known as the dharma-chakra mudra.

In addition to the depiction of the Bodhi tree, this is also the most common form of representation in India.

According to those knowledgeable in the subject, the Buddha is represented in more than a hundred different stances all around the world. The most typical portrayal of the Buddha is of him seated, and it is believed that he is either teaching or meditating. However, the Standing Buddha represents him rising to teach after he has attained nirvana.

Either the Walking Buddha is setting out on his path to enlightenment for the first time or he is making his way back to the city after delivering a lecture. This is one of the Buddha's poses that is seen less frequently, and it is typically only found in Thailand.

According to Professor Panth, the Buddha statues that can be found in Southeast Asia are an amalgamation of all of the numerous postures and events that occurred throughout his life. This includes mahaparinirvana, but is not limited to it.

What Do Different Buddhas Mean?

In the world of yogis and others who meditate, you may find statues of Buddha just about anywhere. Have you ever pondered the question of what the various Buddhas represent?

It appears that people place particular sculptures in particular locations, and the varying postures that Buddha is shown in appear to have significant meaning.

So how do they choose their Buddha, and why do they do it? To help you out a bit, here is a brief guide. We will discuss the varied meanings of some of the most common Buddha statues by using some of the sculptures that are now available in our boutique.

Resting Buddha:

This Buddha is a symbol of the peace and tranquillity that can be attained through the practise of meditation.

You can locate this particular variety of Buddha in places designated for meditation, such as quiet gardens.

Sleeping/Lying Down Buddha:

This particular Buddha is frequently used to symbolise both travel and enlightenment. Following his attainment of enlightenment, it shows the Buddha in his final moments on earth, when he is preparing to make the journey to Parinirvana.

The first portrayal of the reclining Buddha may be found in the temple of Wat Pho in Bangkok. If you ever find yourself in Bangkok, it is highly recommended that you pay the temple a visit.

Medicine Buddha:

This Buddha can be found in locations that promote healing on many levels, whether it is spiritual, physical, or emotional.

It is common practise to instal this statue in one's home in the belief that doing so will improve the overall health of the family living there and ward off any potentially harmful spirits. His palm is facing upward, which conveys a sense of steadiness and unhindered meditation.

The plant that he is holding is symbolic of all of the medications in the world.

The healing mantras are typically recited to this statue while it is installed in a shrine in a room dedicated to prayer and meditation. A great number of medicinal Buddhas are shown with blue skin, and they frequently have stones made of lapis lazuli put inside them.

Keep in mind that the Buddha can be shown in an extremely wide range of ways, but you should never be concerned about utilising the "wrong" Buddha for the "wrong" item or area.

Instead of being a prescriptive object for various functions, spiritual statues are more about what they represent to you personally and how they might help you on your path to healing. What do the various incarnations of Buddha signify to you?


The image of the Buddha shown in art most frequently is that of the reclining Buddha. It shows Siddhartha Gautama seated or lying down after he attained enlightenment, with one hand touching the ground and the other resting at the side of the object.

The meaning of this pose has been interpreted in a number of different ways, but it can be taken to symbolise either the act of meditating or passing away.

It is common practise to place a statue of the Buddha in a reclining position inside most Buddhist temples. This is done because it is thought that the presence of such a statue bestows tranquilly and peace to those who enter the temple.

You might also come across various pictures of him outside on the grounds of temples. In these images, he is generally shown dozing beneath a tree, which is meant to symbolise the birth of wisdom from knowledge as a result of in-depth reflection.

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